The Mysterious Death of Delvonte Tisdale
The chilling discovery of Delvonte Tisdale's mutilated body in a Boston suburb led to an investigation into the tragic fate of a teen stowaway.

Late on the evening of November 15, 2010, a driver navigating through a residential street in the affluent Boston suburb of Milton, Massachusetts, found his way obstructed by a large, unidentifiable object. As he cautiously moved closer, he was horrified to discover that the object was actually the mutilated body of a young black male—a shocking sight in this upscale neighborhood near a national forest preserve.
The driver immediately dialed 911 to report the gruesome scene. The Milton Police Department swiftly arrived and began investigating the body, searching for any indication of the cause of death or any information that might help identify the young man. However, their search revealed no ID, wallet, gunshot wounds, or stab wounds. The only items they found were a crumpled hall pass in the back pocket of the boy's jeans and a shattered plastic card.
As detectives examined the scene, they noticed that passing cars had been splattered with blood and other bodily debris, but they were able to eliminate a hit-and-run as the cause of death. This raised questions about whether the young man had been killed within the Milton neighborhood or if his body had been moved and left on the street after being murdered elsewhere.
What the police couldn't have known on that fateful November night was that they had uncovered the remains of Delvonte Seffon Tisdale, a 16-year-old student who lived nearly 900 miles away in Charlotte.
Delvonte Tisdale was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, and grew up in a loving family with his mother, father, and siblings. Described as a bright and athletic young man, Delvonte had dreams of joining the military and was a member of the Air Force JROTC program at North Mecklenburg High School.
Despite facing challenges in his personal life, including his parents' divorce, Delvonte was known for his positive attitude and friendly demeanor. His mother, Jonette Washington, and father, Anthony Tisdale, were both active and supportive figures in his life, and Delvonte enjoyed spending time with his siblings and friends.
In the months leading up to the incident, Delvonte's life underwent significant changes. He moved to Charlotte to live with his father, began attending a new school, and started to establish a new circle of friends. Although these changes were undoubtedly challenging, there were no obvious signs that Delvonte was struggling or unhappy.
On the evening of November 14, 2010, Delvonte made the fateful decision to sneak onto the grounds of Charlotte Douglas International Airport. It is believed that he managed to bypass security measures by entering through a hole in the perimeter fence, allowing him to gain access to the tarmac undetected.
Once on the tarmac, Delvonte approached a US Airways jet that had been sitting idle for 37 minutes, providing him with the opportunity to climb into the wheel well of the aircraft. With no boarding pass, no surveillance footage of his entry, and no known motive for attempting such a dangerous journey, Delvonte's actions remain shrouded in mystery.
As the US Airways flight made its way from Charlotte to Boston, Delvonte faced near-impossible odds of survival. The wheel well of a commercial aircraft is an incredibly dangerous place for a human being: with temperatures plummeting to well below freezing and oxygen levels decreasing dramatically at high altitudes, the chances of surviving such a journey are slim to none.
Tragically, as the plane began its descent into Boston and the landing gear was lowered, Delvonte fell from the aircraft, landing on a residential street in Milton, Massachusetts. The impact of his fall was so great that investigators initially struggled to determine the cause of his injuries, only later discovering the horrifying truth.
In the aftermath of Delvonte's death, multiple investigations were launched by various agencies, including the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. These investigations sought to uncover the circumstances surrounding Delvonte's tragic journey and to identify any security breaches or failures that may have contributed to the incident.
The TSA and FAA investigations revealed several concerning security gaps at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. It was determined that Delvonte had likely entered the airport grounds through a hole in the perimeter fence. Furthermore, the airport's security force, with only 42 police officers assigned to the facility, was found to be the smallest among the nation's top 20 airports.
The lack of surveillance footage capturing Delvonte's entry onto the tarmac and his boarding of the aircraft raised further questions about the airport's security measures. These findings highlighted the need for significant improvements in airport security, not only at Charlotte Douglas but also at airports across the country.
Delvonte's family, too, struggled to find answers. They sought to understand why their son had made the dangerous decision to stow away on a flight and what factors may have contributed to his actions. However, gaining access to Delvonte's friends and school records proved difficult, as Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools refused to cooperate with the family's requests.
In an attempt to hold those responsible for their son's death accountable, the Tisdale family filed a lawsuit against the city of Charlotte. The lawsuit claimed that the city had failed in its duty to reasonably secure the airport and to adequately warn the public of the dangers of entering restricted areas and boarding planes as a stowaway in the wheel well of an airplane.
Despite the family's efforts, the lawsuit was dismissed by Superior Court Judge Hugh Lewis, who ruled that there was no evidence to suggest that the city had acted willfully or wantonly, the legal standard required for a landowner to be held liable for a trespasser's actions. Additionally, the judge noted that Delvonte himself had been negligent in entering a secured area and climbing into the wheel well of the aircraft.
The family's attorney, Chris Chestnut, expressed frustration and disappointment with the court's decision, arguing that the motion to dismiss was premature and that vital questions related to national security remained unanswered. The Tisdale family, determined to find justice for their son, continued to explore avenues of appeal.
The story of Delvonte Tisdale serves as a tragic reminder of the potential consequences of security lapses and the devastating impact that one fateful decision can have on a family. The Tisdale family's ongoing quest for answers and justice is a testament to their love for their son and their determination to ensure that similar tragedies are prevented in the future.
Delvonte's story also serves as a call to action for airports and security agencies across the country to reassess and strengthen their security measures, ensuring that no other family has to endure the pain and loss experienced by the Tisdales.
As the quest for answers continues and the family's legal battle unfolds, the heartbreaking tale of Delvonte Tisdale remains a poignant reminder of the vulnerability of our security systems and the need for constant vigilance in protecting the lives of those we hold dear.